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Hey-Susie-Always-Put Yourself-First
1 167 3

Hey Susie! Always Put Yourself First

December 12, 2023
One Comment

You’re probably confused and wondering what this is all about. Well don’t be, you’d soon find out. Before you do though, I’d like to ask something. Why do people often neglect their needs — physical and mental and just go on with their day...

Nothing found!

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Hey You’re Single_So What?
1 215 3

Hey You’re Single, So What?

November 20, 2023
One Comment

Several people hold their worth in life to who they’re partners to and whom they are in a relationship with. To them, if they’re not actively in a relationship then things aren’t good and life could be better. There’s no self sufficiency or...

Olabode Ifeanyi is a versatile professional with expertise in career coaching, business development, event management, photography, and storytelling.

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