This is something that a lot of people will probably resonate with. It literally has money in the title. From experience, people’s heads perk up whenever money is mentioned.
However for a good number of people, money seems to elude them or they realise they somehow are unable to hold money when they do even get the money.
A good first step and something that people don’t often realise is that they need to change their view towards money. And understand that although money makes the world go round, it isn’t actually the world.
You also need to understand that money is makeable, and that there are several untapped sources where people could make a lot of money from.
Everyone wants a flashy job that just immediately gives you access to a lot of wealth, but more often than not it doesn’t work out that way. Just like with most things, you can’t have a negative attitude towards money and expect it to come your way.
This however is not a pep talk on how to build a personal relationship with money. It’s more like a little guide on how you can struggle less with money and maybe even make some more money !
Earn from different places. It is paramount that you don’t as they say “ Put all your eggs in one basket”. Have multiple streams of income. They don’t have to be several big ventures but just find a way to earn from different places or sources. This would help in cases if things go awry with your primary source of income.
This would also mean that you should invest. No matter how little, create that investment Culture in yourself. And please no, you’re not playing poker. DON’T GO FOR THE RISKS ALWAYS. Try to make high percentage investments that aren’t necessarily risky. There are however times to take risks but don’t make it a habit of doing it all the time and in all situations.
Learn to budget. This is a problem with several people. Money leaves as fast as it gets into your accounts. Draw up a weekly or monthly budget. What to spend on food, on electricity, on fun, on investment, on saving ! Budgeting is an effective tool for building wealth.
Pretty sure everyone understands the importance of saving. But in case that’s not the case, SAVE! learn to put aside money for rainy days. Things could literally pop up at any time and it’s best that you’re at least a little prepared for it.
This is a good one. Manage your debts, or better still, try to avoid them as much as possible. Incurring debts is one sure way to be financially dependent. See, the more you dig yourself into debts, the harder it is to climb out and the more time you spend in that hole. Because as you earn, you gotta pay someone or some people which isn’t ideal.
Finally, make the most of opportunities that come your way. A beautiful thing about life is, you’d definitely have several opportunities come to you. You’re the one who has to figure out what works and what doesn’t. So, do your research properly but when you sense those opportunities, grab them with both hands!
This piece was both insightful and engaging. Id love to dive deeper into this topic with you all. Check out my profile for more content!